2017 Member Highlight #10! The Queen of “That’s it?” and “Likea this?” @kerrbear.schmo !

For the record, I didn’t feel that I had any accomplishments or highlights to report … until I started thinking about it….

My accomplishments were DUs, TTBs and PullUps. At this time last year, i was struggling trying to get 1, much less string 2 or 3 of any of these movements together. The 2017 Open really highlighted these weaknesses and I was determined to improve on these areas for the rest of the year. After many hours of practice, I can now accomplish these movements, and when these appear in WOD’s, scaling down is no longer an option (in a good way).

Big highlight for the year was getting the garage built at the lake, it has afforded me the opportunity to get WODs in even while not at home. #wodthenwine.

Another highlight was getting signed up on BTWB. I used to cringe at the idea of knowing what a WOD was ahead of time, and now I can’t wait to see what it is, so a plan can be made to tackle it. Love seeing not only my results/improvements but others as well. Nothing makes me happier to see that little lightening bolt next to someones name indicating a PR.

Many thanks to Coach/BFF Reggie for making it fun, even when you yell at me. To my#rxbitchesdontlisten for encouraging me to put more weight on the bars (and not making stretchy stretchy so damn quiet). And to the entire 3126 family for your overall awesomeness – value each and every one you!